020 8807 7777


Strawberry Cupcake (Box)

£10.00 £9.00

Strawberry Cupcakes. A single contains 12 cupcakes



Vanilla Cupcake (Box)

£11.00 £9.00

Vanilla cupcake. A single box of cupcake contains 12 individual items.


Chocolate Cupcake (Box)

£11.50 £9.00

Freshly handcrafted chocolate cupcake. A box of chocolate cupcake contains 12 individual items.


Cupcake Box (Assorted)

£12.00 £9.00

This assorted cupcake box contains 12 cupcakes:

  1. 4 Strawberry
  2. 4 Chocolate
  3. 4 Lemon
  4. 4 Vanilla

Bakewell Tarts (Box)

£9.00 £8.00

A box of deliciously handcrafted bakewell tarts. Each box contains 12 tarts.

Mississippi Tarts (Box)


A box of deliciously handcrafted bakewell tarts. Each box contains 12 tarts.

Lemon Bakewell Tarts (Box)


A box of deliciously handcrafted bakewell tarts. Each box contains 12 tarts.

Gypsy Tarts


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.


Minced Pie Tart (Box of 12)

£15.00 £8.00

Our famous Mince Pies are made with the finest all-butter pastry and filled with a luxuriously full flavoured vegetarian mincemeat. The Telegraph didn’t call them ‘The best Mince Pies in Britain’ for nothing!

Rum Truffles (1X24)


Delicious rum truffles by Sugar Bake.

(1X18) Rainbow Cookies


Delicious Cookies

(1X18) Double Chocolate Cookies


Delicious cookies


(1X18) Chocolate Chip Cookies

£8.99 £7.99

Delicious cookies.

Double Chocolate Muffin (Box)


A box of chocolate muffins. Freshly handcrafted! Contains 12 individual double chocolate muffins for you to enjoy!

Cherry Muffin (Box)


A box of wallnut and banana muffins. Freshly handcrafted! Contains 12 individual wallnut and banana muffins for you to enjoy!


Chocolate Chip Muffin (Box)

£7.50 £7.00

A box of delicious Chocolate Chip Muffin. Each Box contains 12 individual muffins.

9 Inch Cherry Pie


Classic Cherry Pie, 9 Inches.


9 Inch Apple Crumble Pie


Classic Apple Crumble Pie, 9 Inches.


9 Inch Apple Pie

£6.40 £6.00

Classic apple pie by Sugar Bake. A single apple pie is 9 inches.

Chocolate Flaky Slice (1X15)


Chocolate Flaky Slice (1X15)

Chocolate Flapjack Slice (1X15)


Chocolate Flapjack Slice (1X15)